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10 Jan 2022  (285 Views) 
Out of the box

Ask a simple question directly

Someone asked me a question - why are you negative on PD?

This is the kind of nonsense that I get regularly. Why does this question really mean? I learned later that he was referring to privacy of data.

Why did he consider me to be against privacy of data? I learned later that he was referring to my view that NRIC should be a public ID and not kept private.

Here is a smart person who does not want to ask a simple question - why are you against keeping NRIC private? Instead, he asked - why are you negative on PD?

By framing the question in that manner, he is actually being dishonest.

This is how American politicians behave. They twist a fact and present it with words that convey an entirely different meaning.

I hope that people do not follow this bad and dishonest practice.

Tan Kin Lian

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