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06 Jan 2022  (216 Views) 
Covid-19 crisis

Ensure lift lobbies near handicap parking spaces remain open despite Covid-19 measures

A handicap parking label lets a driver park in a larger space for easier boarding and alighting from a vehicle, and which is closer to building entrances for easier access.

This is why handicap parking spaces are usually located next to the lift lobbies at carparks, at entrances with ramp access.

Due to the enforcement of SafeEntry, buildings have fewer access points, and it is common to see lift lobbies barricaded or closed.

This is an inconvenience that is tolerated for the purpose of contact-tracing. However, for people with disabilities such as the elderly with mobility difficulties, these restrictions make access difficult.

My grandfather is a stroke survivor who uses a walking aid. He walks slowly and has little stamina.

Recently, my family has been taking him out more often. As we have a handicap parking label, we expected parking in the designated handicap parking space to make access easier.

Instead, we found in a number of places that the lift lobbies next to the handicap parking spaces were closed.

We would have to navigate a significant distance to another lift lobby located across the carpark, where there was no ramp access. This effectively makes the handicap parking label useless.

Previously, it was highlighted that some steps that were taken to comply with safe management measures posed a fire safety risk (Some malls struggling to comply with fire safety rules, Sept 8, 2020).

Likewise, are there building accessibility standards being breached by the closure of building entrances next to handicap parking spaces?

Germaine Lim


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