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15 Dec 2021  (424 Views) 

China is not perfect, but it is quite good.
The China government is not perfect. It is possible to find out many areas of abuse, including human rights, or bad decisions at various levels of government, including the national government.

This applies to all governments, including the western countries. 

We must not forget that China has the largest population in the world. If one looks for negative examples of bad government, one can find many.

But we can also look for positive examples.
China enjoys the high trust of its people. Over 80% of the citizens in China trust their government and believe that it is running the country well. (See image below).

I have read other surveys that put the trust in government at over 90%. China remained at the top of these surveys. 

I believe that the following three factors contribute to the high level of trust in the government. 

1. Their democratic way of electing deputies into the local people assembly.

2. Their consultative process in reaching national policies, plans and strategy.

3. The efficient way of handling the individual grievances of the citizens.

No country is perfect. China is also not perfect. But it probably has best system of governance in the world. 

Tan Kin Lian


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