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03 Nov 2021  (538 Views) 

Can the opposition parties unite to challenge the PAP?
Many voters, who are disappointed with the ruling party (PAP) wish to see the opposition parties unite into a unified party or form an alliance to challenge the PAP.

Will this happen? What are the obstacles that need to be overcome?

I share my view. 

This wish has been around for three decades. It has not happened. It will not happen for the forseeable future. 

Why? What is the major obstacle?

In my view, the biggest obstacle are the mentality of the people of Singapore.

Somehow, they think that problems are easy to solve. Just write down the solution and things will work. 

It is not that easy. 

If a change is going to happen, it will require a large movement of people who are unified in their desire for change. They have to share a common philosophy. They have to be willing to sacrifice for their common cause.

Most SGeans are impractical. They are selfish. They are not willing to stand behind a common cause. They think that the solution can fall from the sky.

Most of them think that they are smart. They think that they have the solution and that it will solve the problem. 

If many people think that they can be leaders, and most of leaders of a small group of people, they cannot form a larger movement. There are too many leaders, and not enough followers.

The same behavior applies to the leaders of the opposition parties. A few of them may be true leaders, but many of them are not capable to be leaders, but they have the illusion that they are. 

It is not possible for them to unite in a common cause, as a large party have only a few leaders and many followers. 

If we expect the alternative parties to form a challenge to the ruling party, we need first to change the mindset of the people at large. They need to understand that they have to stand behind a common cause, and to support a common cause. It will not happen until they step forward.

Tan Kin Lian


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The reason is that majority of Singaporeans do not want change for fear of economic instability if the victorious political party/parties not able to meet with the challenges.

Wee T L Danny  03 Nov 2021  

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