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17 Oct 2021  (682 Views) 

China government is more democratic and citizen centric
My friend, who is a retired civil servant, made this observation - The socialist government in China is more democratic and citizen centric that the government in Singapore. 

He was commenting on a new report that the China embassy sent medications to the China nationals living in the Jurong dormitory that is now reporting a high covid infection rate.

My friend's remark represents a view that is different from the prevalent view in Singapore - that the China government is authoritarian, i.e. lack democracy, and does not allow their citizens to voice their grievances. 

That view is wrong in both aspects.

Most people outside China does not realize that all citizens in China directly vote for their representatives in the local people congress, i.e. the first level of their governance structure. See this article.

The elected leaders vote for the higher level leaders at provincial and nationally using a hierarchical system. 

This system is quite democratic.

It is actually a better system compared to the presidential system, adopted in America and other countries, where the voters vote for the president to run the country. Most voters are not well informed to make the right choice in selected their top leader. 

The system adopted in China is also quite effective in understanding and addressing the unhappiness of the citizens.

There are channels for the citizens to express their grievances. For major grievance, they express their grievance through public demonstrations.

More importantly, the grievances are usually addressed satisfactorily at the local and higher levels.

The China government is able to identify and address the problems faced by the people more effectively than most other countries that follow liberal democracy.

It is also better than the system adopted in Singapore.

I urge Singaporeans, especially the younger ones, to understand about what is happening in China, and to change any negative attitude that they now hold. 

An international survey carried out regularly showed that the China government has the highest level of trust from its citizens compared to the most developed countries. 

China is now an open society. Its citizens know what is happening around the world. They have also traveled widely to many countries. Their votes are reliable, and are not influenced by government brainwashing or patriotism. 

Tan Kin Lian


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