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16 Oct 2021  (492 Views) 
Out of the box

Taking out of context
My friend shared a video of passengers taking a flight. They were all wearing PPE (personal protection equipment).

He gave a caption - Enjoy the VTL (vaccinated travel lane). 

This caption gave the impression that the VTL, which is now being introduced, required all passengers to wear PPE.

I asked him - Is this true or not? Maybe it is fake?

He said - maybe you are right. 

He was sharing a video sent to him. 

Another person commented that this was an old video, where the passengers traveling by air had to wear PPE.

It is probably not the requirement under the VTL travel, where all the passengers had been vaccinated.

This is an example of how videos, images and text can be quoted out of context.  It is happening frequently.

Misinformation is now quite common in social media. Often times, the person transmitting the misinformation was not aware about it.

The mainstream media is also likely to convey misinformation. Sometimes, it was deliberate. At other times, it was unintentional.

Conclusion - be skeptical about information transmitted today. Apply common sense or look for alternative source to judge its reliability. 

Tan Kin Lian


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