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24 Aug 2021  (1016 Views) 
Covid-19 crisis

FDA statement on the use of ivermectin to prevent and treat covid
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of America has issued a statement on the use of ivermectin to prevent and treat covid.

The key points from the FDA statement, as mentioned in this news report are. 

1. It is to be used primarily for horses and cows
2. The test results are not sufficiently convincing for the authority to authorize its use for treatment of covid in humans.
3. The best protection against covid is the vaccine
4.  It may be harmful for humans and has side effects
5.  There are better drugs to treat covid
6.  There may be insufficient supply for animal use, if it is used by humans.

I find the reasons given by FDA to be not convincing. Here are my reasons:

1. Ivermectin has been used by humans for a few decades, and has been found to be safe.
2. The side effects listed by FDA do not appear to be serious. Most drugs have side effects anyway.
3. The FDA do not provide any evidence to show that it is harmful to treat covid patients.
4. Ivermectin is inexpensive.
5. The production of this drug can be increased significantly to meet demand.
6. The better drugs used for treating covid are very expensive.
7.  There is a shortage of vaccines around the world.

It is clear to me that the health authority should conduct a more conclusive study on the use of ivermectin. Even if it is less effective than other drugs, it can be used under certain situations.

For example, ivermectin can be used in poorer countries who are not able to afford the expensive vaccines or do not have access to its supply. It can also be used to treat covid patients in countries which cannot afford the more costly drugs.

Singapore can try the use of ivermectin for infected people with mild conditions who are advised to quarantine at home. These patients may not be given any other drugs. If they are prescribed with ivermectin, it may be helpful (as shown by several clinical studies). Ivermectin is taken orally by the patient.

Some people suspect that there may be vested interest, e.g. of the large pharmaceutical companies, to stop the use of a cheaper alternative to their expensive drugs. We need to deal with their suspicion in a convincing way.

I hope that the health authority in some countries, perhaps Singapore, can act independently of the FDA and carry out their own study on the use of ivermectin. They should consider not only the effective of various forms of treatment, but also the cost. 

Tan Kin Lian


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