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03 Aug 2021  (594 Views) 

Human rights abuse in Xinjiang
Some influencers were honestly convinced that there were human rights abuses in Xinjiang because they have spoken to people who have experienced these abuses. 

The people giving the could be giving a false testimony for the following reasons:

a) They might have committed a crime, carried out a terrorist act, or had a dispute with the China government. They harbor a grievance against the government.

b) They might be paid or influenced by foreign powers to give a false testimony, e.g. given asylum and a good job in the host country.

It may be possible that the China government had oppressed the Uighur people of Xinjiang. However, my common sense tells me that this is not likely.

What benefit does the China government get by oppressing the Uighur people? 

They might have taken harsh measures to combat the terrorist acts, but that was necessary for a time. In recent years, this threat has diminished considerably.

I believe that the allegations of oppression are unjustified. I understand that the accusers were not able to provide credible evidence to back their allegations.

Tan Kin Lian


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