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21 Jul 2021  (149 Views) 

Greater scrutiny needed over denied medical insurance claims
I refer to Ms Denise Ho Shi Yi's letter, "Insurance claims denied because minor conditions not disclosed" (July 17).

This is not the first time I have come across cases where insurance companies deny claims based on non-related or minor illnesses inadvertently undeclared during the time of purchase of the insurance policy.

It is totally discordant to fair play, even if the small print gives big insurance corporations, with their army of lawyers, iron-clad excuses for denying payment.

The open-ended questions in the health declaration forms people fill in when purchasing a policy give insurers ample wiggle room to deny payouts.

We need to have a council comprising government representatives, insurance professionals and actuaries to determine the fairness behind insurers' decisions on what affects insurability and premium amounts.

The council should be allowed to consider the merits of any challenged case, with the power to decide on partial compensation if payment cannot be given in full.

The task of determining whether there has been any misrepresentation should not be left solely to insurers - some of whom have only their own pecuniary interests at heart.

Medical insurance payouts should be made a requirement by law for claims made by policyholders who have paid premiums continuously over a specified number of years.

Yik Keng Yeong (Dr)


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