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29 Jun 2021  (523 Views) 
Covid-19 crisis

Singapore is run by smart people
For the past 15 months, the WTF ministers have been implementing all kinds of measures (which TKL describes as "insane") to stop the spread of the virus.

They had spent (wasted) over $100 billion and destroyed countless businesses and livelihoods.

They now realized that the strategy was wrong. They will now learn to "live with covid" and stop publishing the daily case count numbers (which scare the population like hell).

They did not say, but they will follow TKL's suggestion to monitor the severe hospitalizations.

Hehehe. Now these WTF ministers are considered to be smart. What an irony.

Watch this news video from Australia.

OK. Let the WTF ministers have the credit after they have destroyed a large part of our economy through their insanity.

Tan Kin Lian

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