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22 May 2021  (123 Views) 
Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Reminder to foreign embassy to not interfere a timely one

I support the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' recent reminder to the United States Embassy here to not interfere with Singapore's social and political matters (MFA reminds US embassy not to interfere with S'pore's domestic issues, May 20).

This is a timely reminder to Singaporeans of the reality of such foreign efforts.

As a Singapore citizen, I have a few questions.

First, how can Singapore ensure that future collaborations between foreign embassies and civil society partners are more transparent?

Second, how do we as a nation guard against such meddling? Today, it may be LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer) issues. Tomorrow, it may be something else.

We, the citizens, should also be alive to the reality of such attempts to influence Singapore's domestic matters.

Ian Toh Kok Kiang


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