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20 May 2021  (368 Views) 
Covid-19 crisis

Why we should move to Trace Together
There is confusion over the latest decision by the government to ask the retail outlets to discontinue the safe entry recording. 

Some retailers think that this recording is useful.

It is better for the government to be transparent about the decision to discontinue the safe entry recording.

The main purpose is to use the trace together token or app. It captures people who are in close contact with an infected person for a certain duration.

The safe entry recording is not effective, as it does not capture people who were close together for an exposure duration. Let me explain:

a) Several people might have made safe entry recording at the same location within the same time period, but they were not close enough for the infection to happen.

b) People may encounter an infected person without being captured by the safe entry recording.

It is better to discontinue the safe entry recording, so that every body can focus on the trace together token/app.

There is still a need to "force" people to have the trace together token/app when they are outside. This can be done by making it mandatory for them to show their token/app when they board a bus or train or visit a mall (just like they have to wear a mask).

If the government is transparent in explaining the rationale to move towards Trace Together, people will happily drop the safe entry recording which is useless and troublesome.

Tan Kin Lian

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