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20 May 2021  (400 Views) 
Covid-19 crisis

Safe entry recording at outlets within a mall
The government wants to stop safe entry recording in the individual outlets in a mall. They consider that safe entry recording at the entrance of the mall is sufficient. 

I agree. 

Some outlets in the mall said that they prefer their customer to have safe entry recording when they visit the outlet. I think that this is a waste of time for their staff and customers. It is totally useless.

I have not heard of any past instance where the safe entry data was useful in identifying contacts with an infected person. 

It might have identified people who visited the same location within a time period. For example, several hundred people might have visited the location around the same time period, but the chance of infection is extremely low. 

The trace together token and app is actually better. It identifies people who were close by for a certain duration that may allow the infection to pass. 

When trace together was launched, the government should have stopped the safe entry recording entirely. 

It is better to focus on a more effective device, rather than confuse the public and the retailers - who now insists on continuing with a useless protocol.

Tan Kin Lian

Vote - should we focus entirely on trace together and stop the safe entry recording?


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