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19 May 2021  (659 Views) 
Covid-19 crisis

Time to approve the Sinovac vaccine
My doctor friend said:

Spore MOH is still waiting for more data despite Sinovac been extensively rolled out in Brazil , Turkey, Indonesia etc etc . There has been no adverse effects reported from those countries using Sinovac. Those with mRNA vaccination can develop complications, so what's wrong with attenuated life virus vaccines like Sinovac?

I agree with my friend's view. 

I suggest the following approach to make this decision.

Currently, the MOH panel follow the standard protocol for the approval of the vaccine. Due to rapid changes in the environment, the protocol needs to be changed. 

This change can only be done by the minister, who has the authority, acting on the advise of the panel of scientific experts. 

I suggest that the experts should meet the minister for health and decide to approve the Sinovac vaccine, using the "emergency approval" protocol. 

Tan Kin Lian

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