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12 May 2021  (469 Views) 
Covid-19 crisis

New wave of covid pandemic
There is a new wave of the covid pandemic. It has hit India quite badly. Some other countries are also facing a large increase of infection from the mutated variant of the virus.

We have also seen a large increase in community cases in Singapore. The daily number is between 5 to 10 cases. There are also several clusters of the infection.

The government has panicked and imposed stricter controls, described as a return to phase 2 of the circuit breaker.

Most people in my social media circles are also expressing strong concern.

I am among the exception. I believe that the government and the people are over reacting to this new wave. 

Here are my reasons:

a) The western countries, such as America and UK, are not expressing any sharp increase in infection and deaths. 

b) Most of the community cases detected in Singapore are mild and do not require hospital treatment. The spread is also quite low.

It will be helpful if the government classify the infected cases as to asymptomatic (i.e. mild) and symptomatic (i.e. serious). We should be alarmed if there is a large increase in the serious cases. We should not over-react to the mild cases.

For the time being, I hold the view that there is no need for panic or extreme measures.

I could be wrong.

Tan Kin Lian


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