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31 Oct 2020
Movement for change
View from the right perspective
Most Singaporeans are able to view an issue from their personal perspective. They respond from that perspective.
They are generally not able to view the issue from the perspective of the other party. As a result, they come across as being selfish and, to use a local term, "kiasu".
A gracious person is able to see the issue from the perspective of both parties and to come to a win-win solution. These people are considered to be flexible and generous.
It is better to develop a culture of graciousness and generosity.
Perhaps the government should be aware of this challenge and provide the right leadership. They should "know the way, go the way and show the way".
They can start with the design of their website and their operating procedures in dealing with the public.
I have observed countless occasions when the website and process of government agencies are designed to minimize the work for the bureaucrats, but in the process impose unfair burden on the public. I said - the process saves 10 minutes of the bureaucrat's time but imposes one hour on the public.
This makes the country less efficient. It leads to national inefficiency.
It is necessary for our leaders to show the way to create a change of mindset and approach. If the leaders are not aware of the problem, it is impossible for the people lower down to make the change. They do not have the authority to do so.
Maybe, one day in the future, we have a different culture - where the people at the lower levels have the initiative to make change. For the time being, the leaders have to "show the way".
I hope that you agree with this suggestion. OK or not?
Tan Kin Lian
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