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02 Sep 2020  (190 Views) 
Building And Constr Authority

Thorough rethink of land use is in order

It would be simplistic to assume that post-Covid-19, land transport will go back to pre-pandemic levels in tandem with air activities going back to normal, as fundamental changes have surfaced which require a thorough rethink of our land use and land commute requirements (Covid-19 opportunities may not be here to stay, by Mr Osman Sidek, Aug 31).

Working from home is fast gaining acceptance as companies start to realise the benefits of redistributing staff away from the office site.

The young are not as enamoured with owning cars as the older generation may be as they see value and savings in shared use - such as in ride-hailing.

Our vision of producing 30 per cent of our nutritional needs locally by 2030 will inevitably require land to be committed, albeit on an intensive scale.

We can no longer afford the luxury of planning roads independently of our other needs.

We should also keep improving the public transport network and connectivity so that there are fewer reasons to have to build more roads.

Mr Osman suggested taking what little greenery there is left between roads and buildings to make way for yet more paved roads - this time for cycling.

We are already an over-paved island, and with all that tarmac reflecting the sun's heat into our surroundings, it is little wonder that our ambient temperature is rising.

Transport Minister Ong Ye Kung is not wrong to prioritise reviving the Changi air hub. It is not only an essential part of our economy, but also an important part of the global supply chain.

In another crisis, our air hub will help to keep the nation going, but an extensive web of roads will not.

Peh Chwee Hoe


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