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27 Aug 2020  (84 Views) 

MPs should schedule regular walkabouts in constituencies
I read with great pride and hope the speech of President Halimah Yacob at the opening of Parliament (Securing Singapore's future in a changed world, Aug 25).

There is a need to build stronger trust and a better understanding between the people and the Government, especially when we are now facing unprecedented challenges.

One way forward is for Members of Parliament to carry out fortnightly walkabouts within their respective constituencies, especially at wet markets, food centres, sports hubs or activity centres for senior citizens.

This is in addition to their weekly Meet-the-People sessions.

This way, MPs can get a sense of the pulse of the local economy at the street level and know how the masses are affected by the prevailing economic situation and the impact of policies.

It would also be an opportunity for direct face-to-face feedback from people of all walks of life.

At the same time, this will allow more constituents to engage with and better appraise their elected representatives.

Sum Kam Weng


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