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14 Aug 2020  (332 Views) 
Covid-19 crisis

Early action needed on vaccine

Slightly more than half of the people agree with the action taken by President Putin to authorize the use of the Russian vaccine for covid-19.

I belong to the small majority.

My views are:

a. It is better to act earlier, in spite of the uncertainty, due to the urgency of the crisis.

b. It may not be the best or the safest vaccine, but it is better to act now, rather than wait.

c. Even if the vaccine is not 99% safe, it is not likely to cause much harm.

d. Even if the vaccine is only 50% effective, it is better than nothing.

e. If it is more harmful than expected, the use can be stopped immediately.

f. By not acting now, many people will die anyway.

I hope that the other countries will follow the lead of Russia and start the the use of their own vaccine early.

Tan Kin Lian

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