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11 Sep 2018  (234 Views) 
Singapore Armed Forces

AWOL issues
Dear sir,

The recent AWOL issues brought upon the financial burden of NSF. I had encountered a few cases during my days in NS.

While moonlighting is not permitted for NSF. Many NSF would held jobs after their duty. This is especially so in cases of low income family.

I believe that if ministers salary could be tied up with private sector, the NSF should be paid fairly. I have seen many cases of NSF moonlighting at night, some of whom has children to feed, while others need to support their family.

(I do not know if the authority would crack down on moonlighting when the following example was made public. These examples are based on a good vocation which allows daily book out.)

During my NS days, I have seen my fellow comrade change is uniform at waterloo street to join the trishaw team. He cycled till late before hitting home.

Another one worked in a shopping centre as a shoe seller for 5 hours only to return home at 11pm daily. During office hours, he would find every opportunity to nap.

One of my comrade let go of his hawker stall to serve while before he attended NS, he was working hard to save up for the NS as he has a family with a 2 year old toddler to support.

We do not compare the current situation 50 years ago, during which family size are different, and low income families could have their child who were serving NS helped out at their family business.

I believe that the Labour Front government in the 50’s cared for Singaporeans more than the current one.

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