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29 Jul 2020  (140 Views) 
Infocomm Media Dev Agency (IMDA)

Update on Budget payments could have been given digitally
I received with mixed emotions a Budget 2020 letter informing me of the status of the Solidarity and Care and Support payments made to me.

I was pleased to have received the payouts as well as the status update. But I was also dismayed at an apparent missed opportunity for savings and productivity.

Three pieces of A4 paper (one was glossy stock) were used to convey the information, which came in nine short lines of text in a light green rectangular box measuring 6cm by 6.3cm on the first page of the letter.

It appeared to be a waste of resources.

Instead of spending on the materials, printing, handling and delivery, the authorities could have conveyed the information via SMS or e-mail.

The money saved could have been donated to the beneficiaries of the SG Cares initiative described in the letter.

I suggest adding an option to the national MyInfo database allowing citizens to specify that they wish to have only digital communications from government departments and statutory boards in future.

I have checked my record in the database - my e-mail address and mobile numbers are already indicated there. I also recall a previous update via SMS on the status of my Solidarity Payment.

My letter arrived with three other identical ones in the mailbox, as there are four adults living in my home. We would rather have received the information digitally.

Philip Lee


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