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04 Jun 2020  (503 Views) 
Movement for change

A platform to improve private tuition
A private tutor, who more than 20 years of experience in giving tuition, attended my briefing on the Online School platform.

She gave the following feedback.

At present, she has to travel to the home of the student and usually teach one student at a time. As she has to take into account her travel time and the teaching time, she needs to charge a high fee for the tuition to earn a living.

The online platform allows her to give the tuition from her home. It uses the Zoom teleconferencing platform. 

She says that the ideal size of the tuition class if 4 to 7 students. It allows the students to interact and make the lesson more interesting. A larger group will be difficult to manage.

The Zoom platform is quite good. It allows the group to interact and the teacher to communicate with the students easily. It is as good as a physical class.

She said that the platform will allow the tutor to charge lower fees and still earn more. It may be possible for her to reduce the fees by half and still earn double her normal income.

The platform allows her to manage the lessons. It will automatically remind the students about the class. This saves time in reminding the students on her own.

She also likes the ability to upload the notes of the lesson for the students to read before the class and to upload the exercise for the students to do after the class. The answers are marked automatically by the platform and saves her a lot of time.

She will also be able to keep track of the progress of the students by looking at their attendance and the marks that they get for each lesson. All of this work is done automatically for her. 

She said that we have to keep up with the times and use technology to improve the way we do our work. I agree. 

Although she is not familiar with computers, she finds the platform to be quite easy to use. She want to encourage other tutors to try the platform.

I am encouraged by her positive feedback.

Tan Kin Lian


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