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27 May 2020  (626 Views) 
Ministry of Manpower

The MOM website is badly designed
The MOM website is badly designed, even up to the point of submitting the application.

I already took several hours to complete a simple process of submitting an application for the letter of consent. I got all the required data before I start to enter the website.         

The process is badly designed and inconsiderate. I had to spend a lot of time to read irrelevant and confusing details and to confirm my acceptance of the terms and conditions - which in many cases, I do not really understand. 

I had to re-enter the website a few times because of the troublesome process. For example,  MOM requires certain the applicant to sign a document which I have to download from their website, send to the applicant and to upload it again.

Even the final submission was troublesome. I was asked to confirm all the information that was provided and the amounted to between 20 and 30 items. I read them carefully and as there were in order, I clicked on Submit. 

I was told that I have to tick on a box to confirm that I had submitted all the required documents - which was only one. I could not find the box. I had to search a few related pages and could not find the box. 

I submitted again and got the same issue. I checked again and clicked on some other boxes. I was totally confused. In the process, I could make some unintended mistakes. 

I went through the process of re-uploading the document. I tried again.  Somehow it went through. 

I do not know what really was the problem. It could be a bug in the website. But I finally went through. I spent a few hours on this process.

I wonder why MOM has to make the public waste so much time over a simple issue. Why do they make a complicated website and process and cause problems when the website had bugs.

I recall that I faced similar issues many years ago with the MOM website and submitted my feedback. It seemed that nobody bothered. 

How can our country improve our productivity when the government agency make the public waste so much time on simple processes? I find that this shortcomings is quite common among most government websites.

It is very sad.

Tan Kin Lian

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