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17 May 2020  (655 Views) 
Covid-19 crisis

Platform to process the contact tracing records
The govt require workplaces and business outlets to implement contract tracing. This must involve tens of million dollars. Most of the cost is incurred by businesses and are passed to their customers through higher prices.

How well is the contact tracing records being used? How often have the govt identified people who have been in contact with the infected people from their database?

If many people have been identified, then the money spent is justified. If not, the money spent is wasted. So, I hope that they have used the contact tracing records effectively.

How can these records be used effectively?

I have developed this platform for a regional company who wishes to use contact tracing and testing of their employers.
This platform can be adapted for use by the SG government. They can approach me to buy over the platform for a modest fee, or they can copy (some people say steal) my idea and develop it on their own. I leave it to them.

What do you think? Is my platform useful for making use of the contact tracing records?

Tan Kin Lian


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