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11 May 2020  (1040 Views) 
Government Technology Agency

Safe Entry app
The Safe Entry age is well designed. It is easy to use. It records the particulars of a visitor who passes through a checkpoint of a mall or a facility. The person uses his mobile phone to register a safe entry.

Its drawback is that it does not cater for a visitor who is not familiar with the use of a mobile app or does not have a mobile phone on the visit. 

The security officer now allows the visitor to write down the contact tracing particulars on a paper. This is time consuming. It is also difficult to use for contract tracing. The writing may be illegible.

A better approach is to use a device to read the NRIC or a QR coded card containing the contact tracing particulars of the visitor. This is explained in this video.

When the complete contact tracing details are available in the server, the administrator can run an algorithm to identify the places visited by an infected person within the previous 14 or 21 days and particulars of the other persons who were in the same checkpoints at a certain interval from the visit of the infected persons. 

The particulars of the contacted persons can be extracted automatically, replacing the manual methods. This will yield prompt results and save on the laborious matching process. 

The contacted persons can be updated into another table for the contract tracing staff to follow up with them.

I hope that GovTech will take up this second step and have a complete contract tracing system in operation soon.

Tan Kin Lian

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