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07 May 2020  (82 Views) 

Foreign workers have been treated far better here than elsewhere
Bangladeshi worker Sozal Mirza posted a message on the Facebook group True Life of Singapore Migrant Workers on April 17 which expressed gratitude for the treatment he received from the Singapore Government in many aspects of his current stay during this pandemic (Minister shares migrant worker's note of heartfelt thanks, May 5).

The treatment these workers have received is in stark contrast to the fate of such workers in many other countries where they have been given short shrift.

Singapore has supplied food, shelter, wage payment, medical treatment and other comforts.

In some instances, the food was not suitable for some of the workers, and pictures of discarded food were shared. This was rectified the following day after feedback from the workers.

I feel that the government response has been measured and correct regarding the epidemiological aspects, and the humanitarian measures are truly second to none.

I was aghast on Monday when Nominated MP Anthea Ong asked the Government to apologise for the handling of the migrant workers.

I believe this pandemic requires full support from all and any attempts at grandstanding or "actionism" should be curbed at source.

Chew Shing Chai


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