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30 Apr 2020  (811 Views) 
Covid-19 crisis

Testing of 300,000 foreign workers
I have seen comments by many people - why can't we test all the foreign workers in the dormitory at one go? Why are we testing them in small batches every day?

The answer is simple. 

The testing requires the test kits and people to carry out the test. They have to take a swab for the subject and it has to be sent to the laboratory for analysis. The results can be returned after four hours.

We are now carrying out 3,000 tests a day. The limiting factor could be the number of test kits that are available. Perhaps, the laboratory can produce only 3,000 test kits every day?

Maybe, the laboratory can only analyze 3,000 tests a day? Each test requires the laboratory technician to carry out. There is only a limited number of places and technicians.

To complete the testing of 300,000 foreign workers living in dormitories, we need 100 days. They cannot be done overnight. 

We may be able to expand the capacity to do more than 3,000 tests a day. But the expansion of the capacity will takes time. 

It is important for people to think before they make comments and ask stupid questions. OK?

Tan Kin Lian


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