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07 Apr 2020  (626 Views) 
Economic downturn

Rebate on property tax
I notify my two tenants that I will be giving them a rebate of 3% of the rental for 2020. This is a small sum but it is all that I am getting from Heng SK's budget.

One of them replied - thank you. this is coffee money. I know him to be a good friend, so I know that he is not laughing at me. 

Heng SK gave rebate of 30% of the property tax. As the property tax is 10% of the annual value, it is 3% of the annual value. As the rental is approximately the annual value, this is how I calculated the 3%.

I joined two webinars arranged by a chamber of commerce on the stimulus budgets.

One participant asked the question - how do I distribute the property tax rebate to my tenants? He must be asking a equation that is on the mind of several tens of thousand of owners of commercial properties.

It is really a small sum that the government is giving to the landlords. And they now have to figure out how to distribute it to their tenants. This will be required by law.

I am sure that many tenants will find it to be too small to be of any use. It will probably caused many misunderstanding between the landlords and the tenants.

At the very least, the government should give a rebate of 100% of the property tax for 2020. Even so, this would be less than one months of rental.

Tan Kin Lian

Vote - do you agree that this is quite small and cause a lot of trouble?

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