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06 Apr 2020  (629 Views) 
Covid-19 crisis

Compare Taiwan and Singapore's approach

Let me compare the different approaches adopted by Taiwan and Singapore.

a) Both form a high level committee to deal with the problem. Singapore has a ministerial task force. Taiwan has the Central Epidemic Command Center. Look at the qualification of the people in the two organizations.

b) Taiwan uses data base technology, artificial intelligence and access to digital data for contact tracing, in spite of privacy laws. Singapore records contract tracing details manually.

c) Taiwan encourages the use of face mask early. Singapore discouraged the use of face mask until recently.

d) Taiwan has a neighborhood warden system to enforce quarantine and deliver meals and assistance to those in need. Where are the residents committee in Singapore doing in this respect?

Read the details about Taiwan's approach here:

Tan Kin Lian

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