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27 Mar 2020  (542 Views) 
Out of the box

Give useful comment
Here is a way to give useful comment to a view expressed by another person:

a) Read this view carefully and understand the points that were written
b) If you have a different view, check your facts first
c) State your view and give your facts.
d) Do not assume that you are right - you may not be.
e) Look for what you agree with, and do not focus only on what you disagree.

Here are some common mistakes made by people who rebut another person's view:

a) They misunderstood the view of the author
b) Their own facts are wrong
c) They are arrogant and dismissive, thinking that they are right
d) They look for what to disagree, rather than what to agree

Take the positive approach. Avoid being negative and unhelpful.

Tan Kin Lian

Vote - do you agree with the positive approach?

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