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17 Mar 2020  (354 Views) 
Covid-19 crisis

Do not abuse govt subsidy of training fees
It is good that the Government has urged citizens to use the "lull time" during the Covid-19 crisis to upgrade themselves by taking up professional development courses (No better time than now to send workers for training, Feb 23; Investing in Singaporeans and Singapore's future, March 8).

This will benefit and boost trainers' income, and, at the same time, adds knowledge to the person who enrols for a course.

There are some courses that the Government subsidises by up to 90 per cent, and others where course registrants are paid a certain amount of money upon completion of the course.

Such courses should come with a caveat to state that all who take them up must have certain academic qualifications, and should obtain a pass at the end of the course.

It should be stipulated that if the student does not pass the assessment at the end of the course, he will need to pay for the course. This prevents any abuse of the schemes.

Professional development courses must also be relevant in content.

Let us not abuse a system that wants both course providers and students to benefit.

Florence Veronica Minjoot


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