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01 Feb 2020  (700 Views) 
Covid-19 crisis

Large increase in infection in Wuhan virus in China
I saw a report that there is a large increase in the actual number of people who are infected in China. 

This increase is not caused by the spread of the virus, but by the availability of test kits to identify the infected people. 

The number reported previously was about 10,000 infected people, most of whom are in China. The latest report (which I was not able to locate now) speculated that it could be several times higher. 

It may seem ironic, but this is actually good news. Why?

The current fatality rate is 2%. If the number of infected people is two time higher, the rate drop to 1%. If it is 10 times higher, the rate drops to 0.2%.

The Wuhan virus (or coronavirus) may be frightening as there is no vaccine right now to get rid of it. So, it may lead to deaths. But it occurs mainly with elderly people and those who are suffering from other illnesses.

It means that healthy and young people are likely to overcome it and be cured. That is the 98%. It could be 99.8% survival rate, if the infected people is indeed 10 times higher.

If we are worried about the spread and infection, we should remember that the common flu spreads more widely. 

We should monitor the situation closely and not over-react to the news about its spread. It could get worse, but it could also get better. We should not be unduly alarmed yet. We should look at the facts rationally.

Tan Kin Lian

Vote - we should think rationally and not be alarmed yet.


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