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28 Jan 2020  (443 Views) 
Ministry of Transport

Public buses and trains need to be thoroughly disinfected
The report about Singapore's fourth confirmed case of the Wuhan virus infection said that the man had taken public transport during his stay here (No new confirmed cases of virus in S'pore after fourth patient, Jan 27).

The authorities have said the "risk of infection from transient contact, such as on public transport or in public spaces, is assessed to be low".

The Wuhan outbreak has reached a critical stage and there is growing evidence of the virus' spread through human-to-human transmission (Efforts to tackle situation at critical juncture, says China, Jan 27).

In Singapore, many people rely on public transport. The average daily rail ridership (MRT and LRT) is over three million. With the extension of the rail and bus networks, more people will take public transport. Hence, the worry commuters have is not uncalled for.

I am sure the interior of public buses and trains is swept clean and the exterior washed regularly. But what about fixtures that commuters use the most, such as the seats, grab bars and bell buzzer buttons?

Commuters come from all walks of life. We do not know where they have been or whom they have come into contact with. So besides the usual cleaning regimen, public transport operators should have a schedule to clean and disinfect all fixtures frequently.

Donny Ho Boon Tiong


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