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20 Jan 2020  (991 Views) 
Prime Minister Office

What is the point of segregating the data by citizen type?
Minister Chan Chun Sing asked - what is the point of segregating the data between citizen and permanent resident?

The answer is obvious - there is a perception that local born citizens have a higher risk of losing their jobs through retrenchment and are forced to take a job as a driver or delivery crew, just to make a living. 

The perception is that a large number of the new jobs go to permanent residents and foreigners, which could have gone to these locally born citizens.

The government should realize that employers prefer to employ foreigners and permanent residents who do not have to serve reservist duty. They also have two more years of working experience, as they do not have to serve full time national service. 

We need to break down the data to better understand the extend of this problem. The government has the data and appear to want to hide the data. Maybe, the problem is really serious and cannot be solved?

Even if the data is broken down, and a large number of citizens are able to get jobs, the follow up question is - how many of these jobs go to new citizens, who did not have to serve national service, compared to the locally born citizens who have to serve national service?

We need to see the data,  broken down into employment and unemployment by locally born citizens, new citizens, permanent residents and foreigners.

We need to understand the extent of the problem and find the real solutions.

Hiding the problem by hiding the data or confusing the public with misleading data is not the right way.

PM Lee - I hope you are listening.

Tan Kin Lian


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