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03 Dec 2019  (767 Views) 
Out of the box

Will the ban on PMD using footpath cause loss of vote to PAP?
I believe that it will cause a net loss of vote to PAP. Here are my reasons.

75,000 people are affected by the ban. They include 7,000 food delivery riders, whose earnings are now badly affected by the ban.

There are another 68,000 riders who bought a compliant PMD for $500 to $1,000 to be used to get to the bus stop, train station or their place of work. These riders are also affected by the ban.

Many of them bought the PMD on installment. They have to pay the monthly installment. As they make each month's payment, they will get angry with PAP.

So, PAP will lose many votes from these PMD riders who are affected by the ban.

What about the pedestrians who support the ban and are now happy that the footpaths are now safer? 

Some will support the PAP for taking the ban, but this number will be small. Most of them will have other issues to worry about - such as the cost of living and the security of jobs that pay adequate wages. These factors will be more important to them, rather than safer pavements. 

On the whole, the PAP will get some votes from the people who are happy to see the ban, but it will not replace the many more votes that they will lose due to the unhappy PMD riders who are badly affected by the ban.

It will be a net loss of vote to the PAP?

Tan Kin Lian

Vote - do you agree that the PAP will lose more votes due to the ban?

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