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10 Nov 2019  (707 Views) 
Movement for change

Adopting a supportive mindset
When someone takes the trouble to analyze a problem and to offer a solution, it is useful to adopt a supportive mindset. What is this mindset?

To be supportive, you need to:

a) Read the suggestion carefully and understand it. You should clarify any doubts or ambiguity
b) Look for the areas that you agree with and state it.
c) Avoid passing negative judgment which usually comes from misunderstanding.

Some  people adopt a negative mindset, which are reflected by the following behaviors:

a) They express their disagreement, which usually comes from a misunderstanding of the proposal
b) They pass judgment, reflecting an arrogant and superior attitude.

Most people do not bother to reflect on the issue.

I will try to be supportive of suggestions that someone has clearly taken the trouble to analyze carefully and to offer solutions. However, I would ignore suggestions that are clearly not thought through carefully.

Tan Kin Lian


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