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23 Oct 2019  (412 Views) 
Movement for change

Stay focused on the subject
It is important to stay focused on the subject and avoid the habit of straying away from that subject to talk on something else.

Let me quote an example. 

I made an observation that the price of kambucha in Sydney is less than half of the price in Singapore. 

I had a special interest in kambucha because a friend had recommended it as a drink to improve my digestive system. I bought a bottle at a supermarket for $8. I found that a similar product was sold in Sydney for $3.

I posted this observation in Facebook.

It attracted several comments from people who compared the prices prices of different products and cost of living in Singapore and Sydney.

One person indirectly accused me of suggesting that all products in Sydney are cheaper than in Singapore. He (or she) asked to look at the prices of the products and services that are more costly in Sydney.

I did not make any suggestion of this kind. Indeed, I am aware that the prices of many products and services are more costly in Sydney than in Singapore. This is primary due to the higher wages paid to workers.

It is not helpful to a productive discussion when some participants distort the views of other people and make criticism and judgment based on their distorted perspectives. 

Sadly, this is quite a common habit. I had to deal with it by deleting the offensive comment.

We should stay focused on the subject and give our views in a constructive way.

Tan Kin Lian 

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