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11 Sep 2019  (495 Views) 
Land Transport Authority

Maintain a high frequency for off peak train service
62% of the participants in a survey wanted the Land Transport Authority to maintain a high level of frequency for train service during the off-peak during hours. 

They cited two reasons:

a) The additional cost of running the trains is small
b) There are other ways for the people in charge to reduce the cost of the operations.

In another post, a few people gave the comment that a high frequency of train service during the off peak hours is needed to encourage more people to take public transport, rather than to use cars and taxis. 

However, if the frequency is to be reduced during the off peak hours, many people felt that an interval of 10 minutes is acceptable. 

I agree with the majority of the participants that it is better to have a high frequency of train service during the off peak hours. At present, the loading is quite high and it is difficult to get a seat during the off peak hours. The current frequency should be maintained. 

It is unacceptable to load the train fully so that many passengers cannot get a seat even during the off peak hours. 

Currently, the train service is showing a loss due to the lop sided fare structure. Many commuters take a bus to change to a train. The fare for the first segment is rather high, leading a lower share of the fare for the second segment payable to the train operator. If this fare structure is change, the train service will be more viable. 

Minister KBW - I hope that you are listening. 

Tan Kin Lian
Vote - do you agree that LTA should maintain the current frequency of train service during off peak hours?


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