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31 Aug 2019  (510 Views) 
Movement for change

Govt agencies should stop collecting cash
I suggest that government agencies should stop collecting cash. They should insist of being paid through the QR system. 

This will force people to move to the QR system. They can pay from their bank account with an app (under PayNow). 

What about people who do not have an app or mobile phone? They can ask a friend or family member to make payment for them. 

Most adults have a mobile phone and a bank account. They can make the payment. 

When I was in Australia a few years ago, I have to use a credit card to top up a transit card. The counter does not accept cash. The customer ahead of me did not have a credit card. He gave his cash to me, and I used my credit card to pay for his transit card. 

If the government makes this direction, the movement towards cashless payment using QR code will be established within two years, maybe earlier. 

We should stop giving all kinds of excuses, and continue with inefficient and wasteful systems. 

Tan Kin Lian

Vote - do you agree that the govt agencies should insist on payment using QR code?

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