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28 Jul 2019
Ministry of Health
High cost of Integrated Plan
I wish to share this story about the interpretation of the moratorium under the Integrated plan.
My friend, who is now 70 years old, insured under an Integrated plan for the past five years under its moratorium. This allowed him to be covered without any declaration of health. However, if there were any medical condition that he know of, which he did not declare, that condition was not covered.
He had a cataract done before the moratorium. The other eye now needs to a cataract operation. The insurance claim officer said that as he did not declare his first cataract operation, the second operation would be caught under the moratorium.
My friend found this interpretation to be quite unfair. Surely, the need for a cataract operation in the second eye is independent of the first eye?
I agree with his reasoning. The interpretation of the insurance company is unfair.
The moratorium will expire after five years, so he can be covered without any exclusion after that. However, he is required to pay a co-payment of $250 for the treatment, as it is a condition imposed by the government.
He asked for my advice. I told him that the co-payment of $250 is small, compared to the bill that is likely to be more than $7,000.
The insurance company increased his annual premium to $6,000 for the Integrated plan. This seemed to be rather high.
I paid ony $700 for coverage under Medishield Life. I advised him to downgrade to Medishield Life after his second cataract treatment.
I do not like the arbitrary practice of the insurance company in interpreting the moratorium under the Integrated Plan. It is better to be covered with the normal underwriting and to make a full declaration. This will avoid the risk of a prior condition from being excluded from coverage.
Tan Kin Lian
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