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12 Jun 2019  (594 Views) 
Political systems

Unity in diversity
Some political parties insist that their delegates follow the policies that are decided by the parties down to the detailed level. This creates a bland atmosphere with everyone talking in the same way.

I prefer the concept of "unity in diversity". What do I mean?

We should be united in a common purpose, but we should accept diversity in the approach towards achieving the common purpose. 

 For example, the common purpose is to have, in Singapore, a transparent and accountable government. 

There are many ways to achieve this goal. One way is to ensure that the incumbent parties loses its two third majority in Parliament. Another way is to get the incumbent party topped.

Both approaches are acceptable.

Another common goal is to reform the CPF system to better meet the needs of the people. This could mean allowing CPF savings to be withdrawn at age 55. It could also mean reducing the CPF contribution rate, so that the workers can use the disposable income to rent a HDB flat.

The delegates of the party should be free to express their personal views about how to achieve the common goal. 

When they get into power and have to decide on the specific policy to adopt, they have to debate on the issue more thoroughly and take a vote. This will come at a later stage.

Here is a summary. We are united in our common goals. But we are free to express our personal and diverse views on how best the common goal can be achieved. This is the concept of unity in diversity.

Tan Kin Lian

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