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09 Jun 2019  (438 Views) 
Out of the box

Different ways to pass an opinion
Most people give their views in the wrong way. It should their bad upbringing. It should be avoided.

Here are some different ways to pass an opinion. 

a) Pass your opinion on the issue, without passing any judgment on the person who raised the original issue. Be polite and give your reasons for holding a differing view.

b) Pass your judgment on that person, but due it elsewhere

c) Pass your judgment in front of him, e.g. Facebook

I adopt the first approach. 

I avoid the second approach. I might do it occasionally. For example, in the recent episode on the Vietnam "invasion" of Cambodia in 1978, I said that LHL post had offended the two countries, but I avoid passing any judgment of LHL. I might have implied that it was unwise of him to make that post, but it is not a judgment.

The third approach is rude and disrespectful. I never go to anybody Facebook page and pass any judgment of them. 

However, I frequently get people coming to my Facebook page to pass judgment on me. Some of them are paid to do so, but there are others who do it out of habit and bad upbringing. They do not realize that it is rude and disrespectful.

Tan Kin Lian

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