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22 Jun 2018  (320 Views) 

Singapore Saving Bond application through DBS ATM
I helped my wife to apply for the Singapore Saving Bond using DBS ATM.

After completing a lengthy process involving many  entries and confirming acceptance to terms and conditions (which we could not read as many customers were waiting in the queue), we got a message "Transaction cannot be processed". There was no explanation what was the underlying problem.

We tried again, by going through the same lengthy process, and got the same message. 

We went away to let other customers use the ATM.

I then realized that the rejection could be due to the CDP account being in the joint name of my wife and daughter. 

We returned to the ATM and waited in the long queue. We now use a CDP account which is solely in my wife's name. It was accepted.

It would have been helpful for DBS to give the reason when a transaction was rejected. 


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