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04 Jun 2019  (801 Views) 
Ministry of Finance

How $4.85 billion can be spent differently
The Land Transport Authority spend $4.85 billion to build the last three stations of the Circle Line. This is 5 times of the average cost per km for the earlier phases of the line.

The finance minister should use his financial control to reject the building of this last stage, due to high cost.

If this last stage is not build, the people living near the last three stations still use other modes of public transport, e.g. buses or the existing lines - although the connection may not be so convenient.

Anyway, they had already coped with the MRT system without this three stations for the past 10 to 20 years.

If we do not spend the $4.85 billion, the government could have given a bonus of $1,400 for every citizen - senior, adult, children, i.e. $4.85 billion divided by 3.47 million citizens).

A family of 4 could get $5,600 as bonus. It will go a long way to relieve the financial stress (money not enough) for many families.

We should be more prudent on infrastructure spending. If we can reduce the unnecessary spending, we can give a bonus to the citizens or reduce (or even abolish GST).

Tan Kin Lian

Vote - do you agree that we should not spend the $4.85 billion on the last stage of the Circle Line?

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