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20 May 2019  (667 Views) 
Movement for change

Why the current govt will fall
Rachel Ash said.
Mr Tan
Why do we keep assuming that the ruling party would continue to be the next government? Though I suspect, they would be, but a "lie repeated long enough may become truth".

It is still very early to conclude either with plenty of wild cards at hand:
1. Lee family saga - sibling rivalry may be the tipping point with the kitchen sink thrown in,
2. First in modern history ex-PAP member become opposition including ex-loyal members speaking up though measured,
3. "accomplices in the past" are spilling the beans such as former journalists,
4 Good persons stepping up to make Singapore a more equitable and inclusive society including your good self,
4. A pile of unfavorable policies being rammed down the throat of citizens including taxes (water / GST), POFMA, CPF, Housing, Healthcare, Education) which affects almost everyone living on this tiny dot,
5. Citizens being made to feel 2nd or sometimes even 3rd class citizens - NS defending who?, SME are sidelined for MNC,
6. Apparent indiscriminate speeding - white elephant infra-structure projects,
7. Concerned relationships with our neighbors and internationally,
8 etc too many to write.
In any case, these are ALL observations and opinions, and are NOT facts. PS: HSK may be a good man but we need more than a good man to bring Singapore forward in this challenging times.

I agree with you that the current govt will fall, but it will take 10 to 20 years. In the meantime, we have to live with them.

Vote - do you agree that the govt will fall within the next 10 to 20 years, if not immediately.


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