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16 May 2019  (301 Views) 
Ministry of Health

Simplify Medisave and make it voluntary
I saw a 10 page booklet explaining about Medisave. It tells what Medisave can be used for and the limits that apply.

As the booklet is in 4 languages, it covers 40 pages.

As there are limits, it means that for each treatment, the patient can use Medisave to pay for some of the cost and has to pay for the other cost in cash.

It is certainly quite troublesome, complicated and costly to administer.

Is there a better way?

Here are my suggestions:

a) Make Medisave voluntary. Allow the member to contribute to the Medisave account to earn an attractive interest rate of 4% per annum.

b) Allow Medisave to be used in full for any kind of approved medical treatment. The cost of the approved treatment can be capped by the Ministry of Health. The doctor or clinic cannot ask the patient to make a "balance payment".

Tan Kin Lian

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