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08 May 2019  (844 Views) 
Ministry of Law

Trust in key institutions
The minister of law said in Parliament that the fake news law is needed to retain trust in key institutions. Click here

I agree that there is a need to deal with actors who deliberate create fake news and propagate it widely using bots and other automated means.  I believe that this abuse can already be stopped using the existing tools available to the govt. 

In my view, the best way to deal with trust is transparency. Often, misinformation is spread due to lack of unwarranted suspicion and fear. The misinformation can be corrected with the release of factual information from the govt or other affected parties. 

There is already a govt website called "Factually" that deals with this matter. Click here

The problem is that the information presented in this website is not well accessed or is itself distrusted by the public. Clearly, there is a need to make this website better known and trusted.

The passing of the law on fake news may itself cause a bigger distrust in the govt. The public perceive it as a means of stifling dissent and criticism of govt policies and practices. 

There is a lot of fear and suspicion that exists in our society. Do not make the matter worse. 

Tan Kin Lian 

Vote - do you agree that a better way to build trust is to increase transparency 


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