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30 Apr 2019  (1154 Views) 

Economic future of Singapore is bleak
Two decades ago, Singapore had the ambition to be a medical hub, education hub and finance hub.

The medical hub has been a failure. The projected medical tourist of 1 million in 2012 had turned out to be 500,000 in 2018. The tourism board had given up this goal.

What about the education hub. I have not heard any official news for the past few years. There are still educational operators putting up advertisements extolling the virtue of an education in Singapore.

However, I saw this news that is discouraging.

What about the financial hub. It seems to be doing okay. But challenges lie ahead.

The Hyflux incident is not going to help.

The SGX is in doldrums, compared to HK stock exchange.

The economic future for Singapore is bleak.

Tan Kin Lian


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