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19 Mar 2019  (701 Views) 
Smart Nation

Use common sense in applying technology
The two crashes of the Boeing 747 Max (Lion Air and Ethiopian Air) was suspected to be caused by a software fault.

The two crashes of the trains (Singapore MRT and HK MTR) are also suspected to be due to software fault in the signal systems.

We should be careful about introducing expensive and complicated software. In some cases, it is better to rely on human beings.

In the case of the train system, there is no need to have an expensive and complicated signal system. There will be less problems if the trains are controlled by human drivers. To avoid collision, we can install anti-collision devices in the trains (as it is done with motor vehicles).

I am in favor of software and automation, but only when they make sense. We should avoid nonsensical reliance and over-use of automation.

This requires judgment by experienced people. We cannot have blind trust in technology.

Tan Kin Lian

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