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06 Feb 2019  (690 Views) 
Movement for change

Be big minded towards alternative politicians
I said - A big minded person looks for strength, common interest and agreement. A small minded person looks for the opposite.

Someone pointed out that a small minded person nit-pick for the purpose of tearing apart points that are sound, so as to uphold their own beliefs.

I agree with this observation. 

We need to have big minded people to make the changes that are needed to improve our lives.

The current govt prefers to keep their policies as they benefit themselves and the people that they consider to be important to them.

But they are neglecting the interests of the ordinary people who find the cost of living to be too high, wages to be inadequate and jobs are not secure.

To make the changes that are necessary, they are some people who are willing to step forward and provide an alternative set of policies to the PAP.

These people need the support of the ordinary people. 

I have seen unhelpful comments about the alternative politicians:

a) They are not of the top talents.
b) They have some character flaws
c)  They do not have a clean past record
d)  Some of their recommended policies are not sound.

To these critics, I ask them to consider if the people on the PAP side are angels? Are they the right and the best people to run the country?

If you think that the PAP are not the right people, you have to support the alternative politicians, even though they may not be as perfect as you like them to be. Remember, nobody is perfect. If they have more good than bad, they deserve your support. 

Be big minded towards these alternative politicians. Look for their strengths. Look for the common interest. Look for those of their policies that you agree with and you support, rather than the opposite.

To make change in Singapore, we need the ordinary people to be big minded. 

Tan Kin Lian


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